While Joe Biden’s handsy habits allegedly acquired from a bygone culture are weird and inappropriate — smelling strangers’ hair and giving them back rubs — to be fair, he didn’t molest anyone. However, it’s hard to have much use for the man who so readily demonizes his opponents, plagiarizes speeches, and was possibly complicit in the fabricated Russia probe.
It’s odd to see the left turn on him too. It’s a result of the #MeToo movement which has become nothing more than a political excuse for the left to target people.
When there is some bit of culture they want to change, the left forms a movement. Inevitably, it becomes extreme and irrational because it’s ultimately political.
There is a good article you might want to read by Jonah Goldberg at National Review and it puts a lot of this in perspective.
Christian Gold Company Defies Industry’s Retirement Fearmongering Through Prayer and Biblical Hope
Biden has become a bit of a laughing matter, and that seems to be what the progressives want. Most Conservatives won’t be rushing to his defense.
In fact, they might as well enjoy the humor of it.
This is the best episode of Reliable Sources. It’s usually unwatchable.
This is pretty funny too:
Make sure Uncle Joe doesn’t get near your Black Rifle Coffee. #brcc #americascoffee #unclejoe pic.twitter.com/HVB2ccTHIX
— Black Rifle Coffee (@blckriflecoffee) April 5, 2019