Some bigshot Democratic donors who supported Barack Obama have declined to wade into the primary race as they await a decision from Joe Biden. Others, however, are beginning to throw their support behind Beto O’Rourke, aka the “White Obama,” Free Beacon reports.
We have the female Obama — Kamala Harris and now we have the white Obama. Is Cory Booker the black Obama? What does that make Joe Biden — the old Obama?
The idiocy of identity politics as a way of choosing a President leaves one breathless.
CNBC reports that investment honcho Mark Gallogly, the co-founder of Centerbridge Partners who helped raised more than $700,000 for Obama’s two presidential campaigns, is preparing to back Beto in 2020. Gallogly was a max donor to O’Rourke’s failed Senate campaign against Ted Cruz, though he also donated to rival candidates Cory Booker and Kirsten Gillibrand.
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This is despite the fact that Beto is a phony and a blooming idiot. He recently ate dirt and sent some home to his family to eat. It was new Mexican dirt, ‘regenerative‘ Ted Cruz dirt to renew himself and his family after losing to Cruz.
Cruz responded, saying, “Words escape me.” The tweet was subtitled “Daaaang!”
Beto who is really 100 percent Irish American claimed the nickname Beto to pander to Hispanics and other Democrats. Beto, aka Robert Francis, was a petty criminal and has a police arrest record for burglary and DUI (and trying to leave the scene), but his father got him out of trouble reportedly (we can’t confirm). He didn’t get caught for his criminal hacking.
He even promised to preserve an old Mexico town, but after he was elected, he let his billionaire real estate father-in-law tear it down.
As a teen, he was a sicko also. He wrote a disturbing story about how joyful he was running over children in his car. He wrote vulgar poems too, one about cows. He’s not clever, just vulgar and weird. He could be easily manipulated by anyone who funds him.
Robert is far-left on everything, although Democrats are trying to sell him as a moderate.
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