Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) has been mentioned as a 2020 presidential candidate and is being held up as a Democrat icon. That is why it matters that she came out against Bill Clinton on a most sensitive of topics, long denied by Democrats – Bill abused women. The message from this should be clear – the Age of Clinton is over.
Democrats are finally apologizing to alleged rape victim Juanita Broadderick and are condemning Hillary’s lecherous husband. It’s in their interests to do it as more and more Democrats are being exposed as molesters and while they want to trash Roy Moore into a loss in next month’s election.
Democrats call themselves the party of women and have to live up to that misnomer.
Gillibrand is practically the Clinton’s neighbor and she has declared that Bill Clinton should have resigned the presidency during the Monica Lewinsky scandal.
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Of whether the former president should have stepped down, Senator Gellibrand said, “Yes, I think that is the appropriate response.”
Politico wrote, “…it allowed Gillibrand to act as the tip of the spear on a position that many Democrats suspect will slowly become more popular in the party.”
That is the point, isn’t it? They are going to keep attacking until the Clintons shut up and go away. The Clintons are over and right now all they do is distract from the attacks Democrats are leveling at President Trump and Roy Moore.
Politico refers to Gillibrand as a former Blue Dog who re-invented herself as a Progressive when in fact, she was always a Progressive masquerading as a Blue Dog.
She ran on the pro-Second Amendment ticket during her first election because that is what her constituents in upstate New York expected, but after one conversation with Chuck Schumer, the current Senate minority leader, she became a gun control activist.
A former Hillary aide Maria Cardona joined in the bashfest, “I admire her for speaking out and for being really honest and blunt and brutal about it, even when it comes to Democrats and even when it comes to President Clinton.”
It’s a little late, isn’t it?
Gillibrand made her comments during the NY Times podcast and pivoted the interview to Trump’s alleged sexual transgressions. It’s always about Trump for Democrats. She attempted to say things were different in the 1990s, but does she honestly believe rape and sexual molestation weren’t despicable in the ’90s?
“Things have changed today, and I think under those circumstances, there should be a very different reaction. And I think in light of this conversation, we should have a very different conversation about President Trump, and a very different conversation about allegations against him,” she said.
Clinton ally Philippe Reines — a longtime aide to the former secretary of state — lashed out at Gillibrand on Twitter.
“Ken Starr spent $70 million on a consensual blowjob,” he wrote, referring to the investigation into Bill Clinton. “Senate voted to keep [President Clinton]. But not enough for you @SenGillibrand? Over 20 yrs you took the Clintons’ endorsements, money, and seat. Hypocrite. Interesting strategy for 2020 primaries. Best of luck.”
He is now in the minority of rabid Clinton supporters, but he’s right, she gladly took the Clintons’ support while they were on top.
Gellibrand fancies herself the leader of the Resistance to Trump and his supporters. In New York, that’s a winning platform.
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