Bill O’Reilly Discusses Pelosi’s Numbskull View That Walls Don’t Work


Border Patrol reports indicate that more than 1,100 Central American migrants cross illegally per day into the U.S. along the southwest border with Mexico. In one day, Border Patrol caught more than 3,000 who had crossed illegally.

We need border security and the wall would be a good place to start but the Democrat leaders refuse to build a wall or do anything.

Bill O’Reilly discussed the clash between the President and the Democrat dopes, Schumer and Pelosi Tuesday. Pelosi says a wall does nothing. She makes stupid statements like a wall doesn’t work and she’s still in Congress? We have morons in office.


Border Patrol Union President Brandon Judd explained to O’Reilly that walls do work. He would like Schumer and Pelosi to go to the border with them and see that it does work. That is something they would never do because they don’t care. They don’t care that walls work, that Americans are in danger, that foreigners are suppressing Americans’ wages, that we aren’t following the rule of law, and that some of these people are bad actors. These two loons are thumbing their nose at citizens.


Bill has a podcast at Bill O’Reilly dot com. It’s only about $5 a month, and it’s worth it.

Breitbart News traveled to the Rio Grande Valley Sector in South Texas where hundreds of migrants cross daily, reported.

Breitbart News’ Border/Cartel Chronicles Editor-in-Chief Brandon Darby and journalist Ildefonso Ortiz traveled to the Texas-Mexico border to interview families.

After the interview, they discussed the impact it has on keeping wages down for U.S. workers.

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