Small groups of patriots attempting to protect the Jefferson Davis monument last week stood stoically while confronted by hundreds of unhinged Antifa.
Also present, acting as “observers,” were the leftist lawyers of the  National Lawyer’s Guild. The Guild is known to be a Communist front group. They come to all these leftist battles because their violent, bussed-in pawns need lawyers to get them out of jail. The Guild is an integral part of the violence.
Tearing down historical monuments is tearing down history. For better or worse, this is history.
New Orleans demonstrations
— Sara Noble (@indiesentinel) May 7, 2017
Christian Gold Company Defies Industry’s Retirement Fearmongering Through Prayer and Biblical Hope
The Black patriots protecting the beautiful, historical monuments say the mayor has turned the city into “complete anarchy” with Antifa terrorists, including #TakeEmDownNOLA and BlackLivesMatter, coming in with trucks and attempting to pull down 19th-century monuments in the dark of night.
The police won’t help them, says Black Rebel. He has put out a call to patriots from across the country to help him.
The “Black Rebel” explained in a video now removed from YouTube. In fact, all of the videos were taken down. They don’t fit the acceptable narrative.
Next is an interesting debate with southern blacks. The south is not only about slavery, but that is what the fascists want people to believe. They want to erase the south and its history, stereotyping everyone proud of their ancestry. Very few in the south owned slaves – it was the elite. The first slave owner was a Black man.