Brightest college kids react to millionaire Bernie giving very little to charity


Bernie Sanders has been demanding millionaires and billionaires pay their fair share, but lately, he has been concentrating only on billionaires. It could be the fact that Sanders is a millionaire now. Also surprising is the fact that for all his talk of stealing other peoples’ money, he has little interest in giving any of his own money away to the needy.

Bernie made $1,073,333 in a single year last year but gave only $10,600 to charity, totaling less than one percent of his income, according to Business Insider.

That’s compared with others who made more than one million dollars during that same year. According to data, they gave an average of 5.6 percent of their income to charity.

Campus Reform New Hampshire Correspondent Ethan Cai went to one of Sanders’ recent campaign events at Dartmouth College to ask students to guess how much they thought he donated.

Some of the estimates were seventy-five percent, thirty-five percent, twenty percent, and seven percent of his total income.

The students’ reactions were interesting.

After they found out he gives less than 1%, one student said: “it’s his money, and he can do what he wants with it.” A small group of students agreed that they want to know what he does with his money.

Another said the best way to give charity is through government — systematic giving. You have to love these kids who think the government is the vehicle for charity, not realizing all the greedy little hands that dip in before it gets to the target — if it ever does.

They also don’t understand the definition of charity. Once the government gets involved, they’re not giving anything. They’re stealing other peoples’ money to dole out favors or welfare.

These are our brightest, and they’ve been dumbed down.

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