Cali’s 1st Surgeon General wants every student screened for trauma


California, the control-you state, appointed their first Surgeon General D. Nadine Burke Harris. She wants schools in the state to screen all students for childhood trauma before they enter school, but there is no hint as to where the funding will come from.

She sees bad behavior as an illness to be treated and the goal is to treat instead of handing out punishments.

She pictures school nurses getting notes from doctors giving them a care plan for the child’s toxic stress.

“It could be it shows up in tummy aches. Or it’s impulse control and behavior, and we offer a care plan. Instead of reacting harshly and punitively, every educator is trained in recognizing these things. Instead of suspending and expelling or saying, ‘What’s wrong with you?’ we say, ‘What happened to you?'”

The problem is parenting. What do you to about that? Does the State take over?

NBC News reports:

Burke Harris has dedicated her career to changing the way society responds to childhood trauma, which research has shown affects brain development and creates lifelong health problems.

“This involves public education, routine screening to enable early detection and early intervention, and cross-sector coordinated care,” she said at a hearing on providing care in schools held by the House Committee on Education and Labor in September. “The opportunity ahead of us is about a true intersection of health care and education.”

A study on youth trauma, known as Adverse Childhood Experiences, or ACES, was a landmark when it was published in 1998 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Kaiser Permanente. The study specified 10 categories of stressful or traumatic childhood events, including abuse, parental incarceration, and divorce or parental separation; its research showed that sustained stress caused biochemical changes in the brain and body and drastically increased the risk of developing mental illness and health problems.

Burke Harris first noticed this connection while treating children at a clinic in San Francisco.

“One thing that tipped me off was the number of kids being sent to me by schools — principals, teachers, and administrators — with ADHD,” she said, referring to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). “What I found was that many of the kids were experiencing signs of adversity, and there seemed to be a strong association between adversity and the trauma they experienced and school functioning.”

Admonishments, shame, punishments can be a good thing. If you want to raise a sociopath, tell them their problems are the fault of other people. This is collectivism with the State in charge of your child. Teachers already consider these issues. California wants to go much further.

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