Roman Catholic Nancy Pelosi, who is not allowed to receive communion, was recently asked, “Speaking of women’s rights, how do we stop Kavanaugh…?”
Her answer is demonic to some of us. To those who agree with her, take into account the point to be made here. She is praying to the creator of life to allow Americans to continue killing.
“I pray a lot. I believe in the power of prayer and I think it is urgent. This, of course, is a Senate matter in terms of confirmation. But all of those groups I talked about, they are out there on Kavanaugh, too, because it is a danger to affordable health care, women’s right to choose, any stare decisis—Brown v. the Board of Education, civil rights, voting rights, environmental protection and the rest. So, this is as serious as it gets.
“And, again, public sentiment. If the public is aware of what it means to them in their lives. Elections have ramifications. People didn’t turn out. They were overconfident maybe that Hillary would win. And this president will be there for four years but these judges will be there closer to forty. It’s very, very dangerous.”
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For those who believe in God, it is inherently evil to pray to him for the continuation of the murder of the unborn babies.
There are cases when abortion is needed, but as Hillary once said, it should be safe, legal, and rare. Now, of course, she wants abortion-on-demand, in other words, abortion for any reason and until the moment of birth when the baby is fully-formed.
That is what all Democrats are pushing.
Pelosi, who claims she goes to church every Sunday, prays to the Almighty God, the One who created life, to defeat Kavanaugh because he might participate in ending the government-sanctioned murder of unborn babies.
Late-term abortion isn’t rare and it’s brutal. Look up partial-birth abortion and see what it is. Be informed.
Kavanaugh isn’t calling for that. He’s calling for making the Constitution the rule of law and he will judge fairly. It’s not likely abortion is going anywhere. The worst that would happen is it would be sent to the states or it might be reined back in or nothing will happen.
She is one sick puppy.
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