Children Are Possibly Being Pressured Online to Become Transgender

A new very disturbing study reports children who never displayed “gender dysphoria” are suddenly convincing themselves that they are transgender. They are demanding their parents make life-changing decisions about their gender identity.

Dr. Lisa Littman, the embattled professor

The Economist reported that an assistant professor at Brown University Dr. Lisa Littman became interested in the issue after reading of the phenomena in Western countries. She came across the situation in her personal experience and in comments from parents on online forums. Dr. Littman proceeded to study the situation.

Her study suggests the children are dealing with “rapid-onset gender dysphoria.”

Dr. Littman found a possible process of “social and peer contagion”. The children appeared to get the idea they were transgender from social pressure online and “cluster outbreaks” among friends.

The children who spent a lot of time online came out as transgender 87 percent of the time while children who didn’t spend much time online came out .7 percent of the time.

Her research is preliminary but it is consistent with other research.

This is very alarming, but liberals aren’t concerned about fixing the problem. They are angry Dr. Littman conducted this study.

Some of the children might have been susceptible because they had other underlying psychiatric issues. Also some were raised for a number of years without a gender or told reject all gender stereotypes by liberal parents.

One young woman was suffering from depression and sexual abuse. She asked her mother to let her change her identity at age 16 and now, at age 21, she doesn’t want it.

Parents are changing their children’s identity’s as young as age 3.


The trans activists bullied Brown University into taking the study down but Dr. Littman wants it back up.

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