CNN Rent-a-Mob Booed Story of Rape Victim Who Wished She Had a Gun


CNN’s hatefest townhall was very disturbing but one incident, in particular, has been hitting the blogs. NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch related a story of one young woman, a rape survivor, who wished she had a gun to stop her rapist. That drew boos from the audience. These people, the mob, actually think she is wrong for wanting to shoot or threaten to shoot her rapist. This is nuts.

It’s not very caring.

Dana Loesch was barely able to leave the arena and said if she didn’t have a security detail, she wouldn’t have gotten out. There were people rushing her and screaming “burn her”.

There were 5,000 people at the townhall. Some of them were the rent-a-mob. They weren’t all Stoneman victims although CNN wants you to believe otherwise.

In other news, the Hogg was on Unreliable Sources bashing Dana Loesch with lies. He also called the NRA members child murderers. This young Hogg is a despicable liar. He will do well in journalism.

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