Colin Kaepernick Donates to Soros Resistance Group Behind His Disrespect of Our Flag


If anyone had any doubt about why Colin Kaepernick began the protests against our flag and our nation, doubt no more. He donated $10,000 to a top Soros-funded RESISTANCE group, The Washington Times reported. The group says they have always supported him – from the beginning.

“From the beginning, we supported Colin Kaepernick’s peaceful #TakeAKnee protest, which underscored the need for police reform, a focus of our work,” said AP executive director Judith Browne Dianis in a statement. “This partnership is a perfect fit for the work we have been doing across the country supporting communities of color as they demand an end to unjust over-policing and over-criminalization.”

Kaepernick gave the funds to the DC/LA-based Advancement Project. Leftist George Soros’s major philanthropies have given more than $9.5 million to the group since 1999, according to the conservative Capital Research Center. It’s an arm of Open Society Foundations.

The group is opposed to voter ID, but describes itself as a “multi-racial civil rights organization,” but the group is best known for promoting “voting rights” by opposing initiatives such as photo ID requirements, voter-fraud investigations, and removing inactive voters from the rolls.

Another description of the group at Open Society Foundations is more expansive: The Advancement Project (AP) is a national civil rights organization that seeks to build a fair and just multi-racial democracy in America through litigation, community organizing support, public policy reform and strategic communications.

In other words, they supply lawyers for left-wing causes, community organizing, and training in Socialist values.

They are anti-police but claim they look for police accountability.

“From the beginning, we supported Colin Kaepernick’s peaceful #TakeAKnee protest, which underscored the need for police reform, a focus of our work,” said AP executive director Judith Browne Dianis in a statement. “This partnership is a perfect fit for the work we have been doing across the country supporting communities of color as they demand an end to unjust over-policing and over-criminalization.”

They were, in other words, behind it.

At their website, under united in Resistance, moving towards victory, they write:

“With the first 100 days of this administration drawing to a close, we come together across movements to uplift people of color, immigrants, workers, women and the LGBTQ community,” said Judith Browne Dianis, Executive Director of Advancement Project’s national office. “The first chapter of this administration has meant 100 days of targeting, persecuting and marginalizing those it sees as not belonging in their vision for the country.

“Fighters in the centuries-old struggle for freedom in this country understood that the path to victory is long and treacherous, and today the racial justice movement is stronger than it has been in decades. Led by those taking to the streets on May Day and in the future, we will finish the fight. Together, we will overcome the last stand of white supremacy.”

White supremacy? They are serious about wiping out white supremacy in terms of population numbers.

Many believe racial justice is now synonymous with black supremacy, not equality, thus we see movements towards disparate impact and preferences in college choices for foreigners. While many of us agree that American blacks deserve special consideration for the bigotry they’ve suffered, the foreigners invading the United States are owed nothing.

The left has convinced the blacks that illegal immigration is their path to take.

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