Communist Mayor Wants “Symbols of Hate” Purged – Grant, Columbus, Many Others


The Communist mayor has been forever altering the very fabric of New York City since he has been in power. He issues dictums, wants foreigners to vote, and has made the city a haven for illegal aliens, even criminal aliens. His latest effort at destroying the city is to use the events of Charlottesville as an excuse to remove all vestiges of US history, especially if those being honored are of white and European origin.

The mayor is a Communist, he hates all things American. This is the leftist who supported the Sandinistas.

New York City’s Communist Mayor Bill de Blasio and his Communist City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, who recently honored a domestic terrorist, want all symbols of hate “purged” from New York City.

These great but imperfect men or symbols, which they call symbols of hate, are all white!

Grant’s Tomb

Their targets include the beautiful Grant’s Tomb which holds the body of our long-dead President Ulysses S. Grant, without whom we would not have won the Civil War. What is he going to do with the body?

Also included is the man who brought civilization – and Hispanics – to the new continent, Christopher Columbus. His spectacular statue stands 75 feet tall in Columbus Circle.

Mayor Bill de Blasio seeks to remove ‘symbols of hate’ in a quest for Marxist political correctness. He is a cultural totalitarian. Whites, especially white Europeans are on the list.

About the explorer Columbus, Communist Mark Viverito said: “He is a controversial figure, and I know that many people take offense to that, but for many of us who come from the Caribbean Islands we see him as a controversial figure. “We have to look at history. We have to look at it thoroughly and clearly.”

It’s really about erasing whites and erasing history as well as beautiful art. Viverito reveres terrorists and shouldn’t be making any judgements about the past history of New York.

Charlottesville is being used as an excuse to erase New York City history.

There will be a 90 day review of monuments and icons and then erasure by the dictator deBlasio.

A spokesperson said Viverito thinks that Grant’s Tomb should be on the review list. Grant has been regarded by some as anti-Semitic.

“We don’t tolerate anti-Semitism in New York City,” the mayor said. “We have to look at each one of these cases. We’ll have a commission. They’ll come up with some universal rules.”

The man has been dead since 1885. We can’t judge historical figures by today’s conditions. There is something wrong with everyone. We could never put up another statue.

If this is what they are going to do, certainly FDR has to go. He turned away a ship of Jews pre-WWII and they were sent back to Germany to be abused and murdered at the hands of the Nazis. He also interned the Japanese. But FDR is a Democrat hero and they aren’t talking about removing any of his statues.

Assemblyman Dov Hikind put the bee in de Blasio’s bonnet in May when he asked him to remove plaques to Nazi sympathizers in the Canyon of Heroes.

“You can probably find something wrong with everyone in public life. That doesn’t mean they should be purged,” he said, “This is going to be fun to watch.”


They are starting from scratch and all monuments and plaques are up for grabs. In order for communists to change our culture, they have to obliterate the one we have.

De Blasio was also asked about removing paintings from city hall, changing the names of schools and public buildings. They are up for consideration though the name of the city itself, named after a notorious slave trader probably is not.

The commission will be named next week. They will make recommendations, with the communist mayor making the final decision without input from the people.

“I’m distraught,” said Dr. Michele Bogart of Stony Brook University, an expert on public monuments. “We are destroying ourselves.”

“We tend to ascribe meaning to older works according to our views about moral rights and wrongs today,” she said. “It’s legitimate to argue that a work is problematic. But there are disagreements about how indignant you are supposed to get because of that.”

In the past year, activists have lashed out against local tributes to Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and even a little-known 19th-century gynecologist.

“This drumbeat of iconoclastic sentiment is just feeding on itself, leading to this frenzy that we might really regret,” Bogart warned.“The more we learn about who these people were the society in which they lived, and what motivated their ideas, the more we learn about how complex our nation is.”


President Theodore Roosevelt, a great environmentalist, a Progressive, astride a a horse flanked by African and Native American figures in front of the American Museum of Natural History. It has been called a symbol of white supremacy.

Orator Henry Ward Beecher was an abolitionist, ardently opposed to slavery, but there is an African-American woman kneeling at his feet. Again, it’s considered white supremacy.

Benjamin Franklin was a signer of the Declaration of Independence, ambassador to France, scientist, and inventor of bifocal glasses and the lightning rod was the most famous man of the American Colonies. He was also a slave owner for most of his life and brokered slave sales through his printing business.

Christopher Columbus an Italian explorer of the Americas who has been long revered as the heroic sailor who discovered America in 1492, some activists today revile Columbus as an imperialist colonizer who slaughtered and enslaved indigenous Caribbeans. City parks host five major monuments to him.

The Communist City Council Speaker said he must go – the people in the islands want it.

George Washington the First U.S. President and the “Father of Our Country” is honored by at least five public statues in NYC, as well as the triumphal Washington Square Arch; but this one is the city’s longest-standing outdoor sculpture. However, the general owned slaves from the age of 11, and more than 300 slaves labored at his Mount Vernon plantation at the time of his death.

Others possibly targeted and which have been targeted in the past include statues of: former Mayor LaGuardia, Peter Stuyvesant, Dr. J. Marion Sims, General Philip Sheridan, Samuel Sullivan Cox, Daniel Webster, Henry Hudson, Pilgrim, Netherland Monument [imperialism], The Jungle Book, Juan Duarte the Father of the Dominican Republic. Read about those at the NY Post.

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