You might get dizzy watching the cops as pigs painting taken down, hung up, taken down and hung up once again. Rep. William Lacy Clay (D-MO) rehung the painting Tuesday morning after Rep. Hunter took it down. It was taken down a second time by Rep. Lamborn, but Lacy Clay, a police hater, hung it back up. It is currently hanging in the Capitol hallway. This is who we are now. These are our values as Barack would say.
This is why the Democrats are losing elections and why this will continue if they don’t change. They look pathetic. Especially since two police officers, Master Sgt. Clayton and Deputy First Class Lewis, just died in the line of duty in Orlando.
Orlando police Master Sgt. Debra Clayton, 42 and Deputy First Class Norman Lewis are pictured in the photo.
The Trump administration have some exceptional candidates going before hearings beginning Tuesday as Democrats rehang a cops as pigs painting. They look like a sorry lot.
After Clay rehung the painting, Rep. Hunter responded, “It’s a sad commentary on the Democrat Party that the one thing they’re willing to stand up for in this country is to portray police as pigs.”
#Breaking Police/pigs art on CapHill on removed again after Cong Blk Caucus rehangs it. Hunter says he didn’t do it
The First Amendment is the excuse Democrats are using but they are really intent on offending police and the majority of Americans. They are willfully stirring up hate against police without police having the opportunity to rebut.
Clay bemoaned the “alt-right media sites” and “some Republican members” who refer to themselves as “constitutional conservatives” who don’t support the “fundamental free speech of my 18-year-old constituent.”
Clay argued the artist’s world view has been shaped by the “animalistic” behavior of police officers, particularly the recent, high-profile cases in which unarmed black males died in confrontations with police.
Meanwhile, Republicans say the painting is against House rules.
Hunter said Tuesday before the painting was rehung: “It doesn’t belong in the U.S. Capitol. It’s that simple. It violates the rules of the art competition. You cannot have offensive things in the competition and this does.”
He said the rules do not allow paintings with “sensationalistic” subjects or those that depict “contemporary political controversy.”