Corey Lewandowski Says the Obama Administration Spied on Jeff Sessions


When Jeff Sessions met with Russian Ambassador Kislyak in his senate office, with staffers, in a federal building, Corey Lewandowski says agents were monitoring Session’s conversations.

That’s not a proven fact based on what Lewandowski says in the interview but he seemed fairly certain.

Why aren’t we at least asking the question?

“What we have seen from the previous administration is they did spend time listening to conversations between then-Senator Jeff Sessions and the ambassador to Russia while he was in his U.S. Senate office,” Lewandowski said. “If that took place – which supposedly it did – what other conversations are they listening in on?”

Lewandowski continued: “They were monitoring who (Sessions) was having a conversation with, from what I understand. If that is the case, that is very concerning. Is it possible that the previous administration was listening to the conversations that took place in Trump Tower from their political opponents? If that is the case, and what Donald Trump alludes to is accurate, that’s very disturbing.”

It is also interesting to note that the Obama administration set up the first casual meeting which ended up being an informal gaggle. It wasn’t even worth mentioning but they did it anyway.

Let’s not forget the Obama CIA spied on the Senate in 2014. Democrats didn’t like that.

The chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee Dianne Feinstein accused the CIA of secretly removing classified documents from her staff’s computers in the middle of an oversight investigation.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein said CIA Director John Brennan told her in January that agency personnel searched the computers last year because they believed the panel’s investigators might have gained access to materials on an internal review they were not authorized to see.

“The CIA did not ask the committee or its staff if the committee had access to the internal review or how we obtained it,” Feinstein said in blistering remarks on the Senate floor.

“Instead, the CIA just went and searched the committee’s computer.”

Feinstein said that she had “grave concerns” the search may have violated federal law.

Brennan denied all of it.

Another thought as an aside: intelligence agents get paid to lie for a living.

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