Crazy Bernie Sanders screamed when Chuck Todd asked if Congress has done enough on gun control given the recent murders in Houston.
He shouted in response: “Of course not! Of course…But it’s like every other issue. The American people are united overwhelmingly, gun owners, non-gun owners, gun safety, gun legislation, do away with the loophole.”
We are? What loophole? What law would have stopped Pagourtzis?
Todd asked, “Why is it never passed?”
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The screaming commie said, “It’s a three-letter word. It’s the NRA and it’s Trump and the Republicans who don’t have the guts to stand up to these people and that’s pretty pathetic, and what you are seeing in general is not just the NRA.”
He went on to blame Republicans and President Trump. Up until recently, Bernie was a staunch 2nd Amendment advocate.
The truth is — and Bernie knows it — the NRA has nothing to do with this or any of the shootings. They don’t sell guns or gun accessories. They teach gun safety.
What law would have stopped Pagourtzis in Houston this past week? He stole the guns from his father, wasn’t old enough to buy a gun, and used the gun illegally as all criminals do.
A conversation on State of the Union with Democrat Senator Mark Warner was saner.
Democrat Senator Says No Gun Law Would Have Stopped Houston Shooting
More gun laws would not have stopped this shooter, but the liberal media and Democrats continue to blame their political opponents.
The left wing mainstream media have been demanding more gun laws for years without showing how it would have stopped the killers. When they read off statistics, they include suicides, crimes around schools, and gang shootings.
The left won’t stop even though no gun law would have changed this. It shows their real intent is actually to destroy the 2nd Amendment.
Even a Democrat partisan senator knows this. IT s nice to hear one tell the truth.
Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) said there was not “a single piece of legislation” that would have prevented the recent school shooting in Texas.
Jake Tapper pressed Senator Mark Warner about gun control on State of the Nation Sunday, saying the shootings didn’t start with Trump. This went on under the Democrats too. “They have been going on for decades. Why didn’t Democrats do anything about gun violence then?”
Tapper continued: “Have you guys done enough? Have you guys done enough in the Senate?”
Warner told the truth and said, “I don’t think there’s a single piece of legislation, but there’s a series of actions. Are there things we can do that would improve the safety of our schools? Absolutely.”
He continued, “Should there be more mental health counseling for troubled teens, the number of the incidents caused by young men time and time again? Absolutely. Making sure people are safer with their own firearms? Absolutely.”
Unfortunately, as an aside, the shooter who attacked a Texas high school on Friday might not face the death penalty because of a legal case that keeps 17-year olds from the death penalty. In forty years,he could be out to kill again.
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