Crooked Hillary Lost in 2016 Because She’s a Mother with Spinach


Crooked Hillary Clinton gave a speech in Mumbai this past weekend that was most remarkable for its cluelessness. She is funny. Delusional, but funny.

The Good Mother says she might have lost the election because wasn’t a reality star. Rather, she was a mother.

Hillary Has Another Excuse for Losing the Election

The award-winning loser addressed her failed 2016 presidential campaign, saying that if “people were looking for a reality TV campaign, maybe I should have given them more entertainment.”

“I’m the mother who says, ‘Eat your spinach you’ll grow up strong.’ Someone else is saying, ‘Eat all the fast food and the ice cream you can possibly stick in your mouth,'” she said.

While speaking about Trump’s alleged ties with Putin, she said “Follow the Money”. She also put out another theory as to why she lost.

Follow the Money

Crooked Hillary talking about following the money is pretty funny. The woman who made money off the sale of a US uranium mine to Putin said:

“Trump does have quite an affinity for dictators. He really likes their authoritarian posturing and behavior,” she said during the event, according to The Washington Post.

“He does have a pre-existing attitude of favorability toward these dictators, but I think it’s more than that with Putin and Russia,” she said.

The host of the event pressed Clinton on whether she believes Russia has “something” on Trump.

“Well, we’ll find out, we’ll find out,” Clinton said. “Follow the money.”

Leftists like Hillary often use projection in many of their arguments. They are actually guilty of those things they accuse others of doing or being.

What’s Happening with Russia Collusion

Despite Hillary’s obvious crimes, the Russia collusion witch hunt continues.

Anonymous reports say Special Counsel Robert Mueller has been investigating Trump’s business dealings in Russia.

The so-called news reports also suggest Mueller is looking at a letter Trump wrote in 2013, inviting him to the Miss Universe pageant in Moscow.

Since the pageant was in Moscow, that was only polite and good business.

The latest Mueller leak indicates that he is delaying his fishing expedition on obstruction. Of course, he will! It has to negatively impact the election.

Hillary as The Good Mother:

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