Toronto Crowd Cheers as Islamist Calls for Sowing of Terror in The Hearts of the West


Terrorism in Toronto!

An Islamist speaker at a BlackLivesMatter anti-Trump rally in Toronto called for the destruction of Western culture, end of capitalism and toppling of white supremacy [code for destruction of whites].

BlackLivesMatter held a protest at the American consulate in Toronto on Saturday during which the co-founder of BLM, Yusra Khogali, accused Justin Trudeau of being a white supremacist and terrorist.

She brought in Muslim speaker, Syed Hussan, who followed up by calling for the violent overthrow of Western culture.

“We must become the enemies that sow terror in their hearts so that laws like C-51 shredded away.”

Hussan continued to shout to the captivated crowd throughout, promoting terrorism as an effective tool, “We must celebrate our way of life, what they called barbaric cultural practices on our streets and in our homes until their way of life dissipates under our feet”.

“We will seize the farms and the factories. We must become the enemies, so that in this city everyone can live with food, shelter, dignity.” He was received with raucous cheers from the large crowd carrying anti-Trump signs.

The BLM followers were enthralled. At no time, did there seem a hint of concern from these Canadian citizens.

“Let us become enemies. Let us organize. Let us win. We cannot wait. Freedom is calling. This is what these demands, that demand of us, let us be enemies,” he said calling for brutality to win a radical Islamist’s version of freedom.

During this soap box speech, Syed Hussan, portrayed terrorists, like Abu Bakr, as victims and demanded open borders. If he sounds like Hitler, there’s a reason for it.

He insisted that “We must break down the borders that keep out migrants and refugees. We must tear down the prisons and the detention centers.”

One of his mantras is the evil of white supremacy and capitalism. He called out the enemy, and condemned what he called the bile of Trump and the evil sweetness of Trudeau while promoting radical Islam.

“This murderous way of life is white supremacy. This way of life needs to be taken care of, its children fed, its food cooked, its homes kept warm and for that it must have gender, women. Women that are made to serve but watch closely. This way life is patriarchy,” he railed.

What is especially demented about all this is Donald Trump is the enemy because he actually stands for the freedom this terrorist Syed Hussain claims he wants.

Listen to his words on the video – he’s terrifying – but more terrifying than what he is saying, more terrifying than the receptive crowd, is that this sedition is being considered free speech.

We’ll need a wall on our northern borders soon.

President Trump is not the enemy, but these people are. Yet, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, is responding to Donald Trump, not these people.

Daily Caller reports that Trudeau is opening a “war room” to monitor Donald Trump. He really needs to pay attention to these subversives on his streets.

As far as Black Lives Matter is concerned, it’s a hard-left, domestic terrorist group.

The source for this was Jihad Watch

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