The MSM and Democrats claim the President is racist for calling Baltimore — West Baltimore — “rat and rodent-infested,” but Elijah Cummings used the words, “drug-infested,” in 1999 to describe Baltimore. He has done nothing effective to help the area.
Elijah must be racist.
The hysteria over the President’s non-racist tweets is manufactured. I used to think the MSM was an arm of the Democrat Party but it now seems to be directing the party. In any case, they are one.
There is NO reason for no high school students to pass math in 13 schools or for no students to pass language arts in 5 schools. As an educator, I worked with very learning disabled children and children with other significant issues, and we got all of them to read and do basic mathematics. I’ve worked with gang kids. Don’t tell me they can’t learn.
Elijah Cummings would not tour a Baltimore Housing and Urban Development (HUD) facility with HUD Secretary Ben Carson.
Carson was a resident and doctor in Baltimore and said the poverty and living conditions led to serious health problems.
“We had large numbers of people with asthma because of the mold and some of the environmental issues [here], so, you know, that was a problem for me,” Carson said, “and it stayed on my mind a lot and somehow … I end up as the Secretary of HUD and [now] we can actually deal with these issues.”
To fix the problems in Baltimore, Carson said people need to stop the “animosity” towards each other and “work together.”
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“I’ve talked to the president over the last couple of days about what [we can] do for Baltimore,” Carson said. “He’s very willing to work with people here in Baltimore, including with Elijah Cummings.”
The President wants to “help the people.”
Ben Carson says President Trump would be happy to work with Elijah Cummings to bring relief to Baltimore @FoxNews #AAG
— All American Girl (@AIIAmericanGirI) July 30, 2019
The MSM hit pieces about the Baltimore tweets by the President are starting to die out since the truth about Baltimore has become obvious. Coincidence? Perhaps.
There was a hit piece on the Kushners, claiming they own one or more of the hovels. We don’t know if it’s true or what the story is, but it came from the AP. The truth is Democrats have been in charge since the 1930s.
Especially look at the first one and the one by OANN.
We are in a political firestorm over the condition of Baltimore.
So what is life really like there?
I spoke with residents in Rep. Cummings district.
Here’s what they had to say: Rats. Trash. Crime. Abandoned by politicians. Begging for change.
Want the truth?
Please WATCH @TPUSA— Benny (@bennyjohnson) July 30, 2019
“For years [Democrats] have ruled Baltimore as a one-party fiefdom as the city turned into an island of despair amid a sea of prosperity.”
— Ari Fleischer (@AriFleischer) July 31, 2019
The Baltimore murder rate is higher than the three Central American nations driving the border surge.
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) July 31, 2019
Baltimore residents tell @OANN what they really think of @realDonaldTrump‘s remarks about the crisis in Baltimore.
““My message to Donald Trump is, first of all, I love you…”
— BlazeTV (@BlazeTV) July 31, 2019
President Trump: “People living in Baltimore are very happy that I’m bringing out the fact that it’s like living in hell.”
— The Hill (@thehill) July 31, 2019
“My folks always told me, ‘Don’t ever offer a problem without offering a solution.’”
After President Trump chided @RepCummings for squalid conditions in #Baltimore, Conservative activist @ScottPresler decided to gather volunteers and clean the city.
— The Epoch Times (@EpochTimes) July 31, 2019
Maybe we’d have more money to fix Baltimore if taxpayer money weren’t being spent on hormone treatment and makeup lessons for transgender illegal aliens.
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) July 30, 2019