Dem Anti-Trumper Chris Wallace Is Trying to Keep Mueller’s Report ALIVE


Registered [leftist] Democrat Chris Wallace, the man who said the Green New Deal is a “heck of a good idea,” is trying to keep the Russia-Trump collusion story alive. Trump should not be taking a victory lap, he says, because the report will show him in a bad light.

His comments come after the Mueller report concluded that there was no evidence of collusion between Russia and the Trump 2016 presidential campaign, and after Attorney General Barr cleared him on the obstruction complaint.

Wallace said the report [by 19 Democrats] is going to able to say well, ‘He did this or this happened,’ in the Mueller report.

As an aside, if there are no indictments, that means there was insufficient evidence of a crime. Yet, the FBI pursued this as a criminal and counterintelligence operation — WITH NO CRIME.

Wallace has no problem with that and anxiously awaits the attacks.

Wallace also believes that even though Robert Mueller and his team of 19 Democrat attorneys improperly acquired FISA warrants on the basis of fake allegations, the FBI operated legally.

He contradicted Rush on when the investigation started because he was trying to suggest the dossier was unimportant in the probe.

There is evidence the plot was conceived in 2015. That’s why the FBI must be investigated. The origins of it must be uncovered.


“There is only one other point I do want to make. And I know this is going to drive some of our viewers nuts,” an authoritative Wallace said, giving Bill Hemmer little opportunity to offer a differing opinion.

“The Trump investigation did not start with the FISA warrant and Carter Page and even the dossier. It started in June and July of 2016 when George Papadopoulos had spoken to a Russian agent and spoke to an Australian diplomat and said he had heard they had information on — dirt on Hillary Clinton. That’s when the investigation started,” he asserted, obviously believing Jim Comey.

“It wasn’t October, it wasn’t September. It was in July and it was George Papadopoulos. Not to say that the FISA warrant…was a legitimate basis for inquiry, but that is not where the investigation started. It is just a fact.”

The problem is it’s not a fact. The entire Papadopoulos story is suspect. But that isn’t the point. The point is the two-year probe was based on the dossier. Wallace is trying to negate the importance of the dossier.


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