Dem Hero Louis Farrakhan Posts Hateful Anti-Jewish Videos on Twitter


Demonic Louis Farrakhan is at it again. The Omar assault against Jewish people must have triggered him.

And he gets to spread his form of anti-Semitism on Twitter. That’s A-OK with @Jack.

In the first clip, he says: Hollywood’s Casting Couch ‘The wicked practices that govern their industries are largely justified and influenced by such Talmudic principles.’

This photo was in the first video:

In another he says: The Curse of Ham is an ideology that was started by Jewish Rabbinical leaders and served as a guiding principle used to justify the enslavement and dehumanization of Black people.

The tweet links to a video which says: The Curse of Ham is an ideology that was started by Jewish Rabbinical leaders and served as a guiding principle used to justify the enslavement and dehumanization of Black people. These practices are inherently founded through the Jewish Talmud as Dr. Harold Brackman of The Simon Wiesenthal Center notes.

He’s sick and disgusting but apparently, so are his sources.

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