Dem-Led NYC Bar Demands AG Barr Recuse Himself from Ukraine


The partisan, Democrat-led New York City Bar, which has no standing in the matter, has informed Attorney General Bill Barr that he must recuse himself from the Ukraine case. If not, they want him to resign or be removed by Congress.

The organization of leftists said that since Bill Barr was mentioned in the transcript of Trump’s phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, he should not be allowed to investigate anything related to Ukraine, including Crowdstrike and the Biden crime family.

How absurd these people are.

You can smell the desperation. They want to shut this probe down and this, frankly, is a bizarre stretch of their imaginations.

The Barr Association said in a statement:

“Mr. Barr’s failure to recuse himself from any involvement in the DOJ’s review of the whistleblower complaint and its disclosure to Congress undermined that principle.  In order to limit the impact of his earlier failure to recuse, we call upon Mr. Barr to immediately recuse himself from all further DOJ investigations of Ukraine-related issues in which he is or was allegedly involved, including any continuing or future investigations into alleged Ukrainian involvement in the 2016 election, allegations relating to Mr. Biden or his family members or the President’s efforts to pursue those allegations in connection with U.S. assistance to Ukraine or to other nations.”

“If he fails to do so, he should resign or, failing that, be subject to sanctions, including possible removal, by Congress,” the statement said.

Well, they can go whistle Dixie because that’s not happening.

The association insisted that their focus was not on “the legality of the president’s actions or even the merits of the whistleblower’s complaint,” nor on “whether the DOJ’s review of this action was justified.”

They don’t even lie well.

Attorney General Bill Barr and U.S. Attorney John Dunham have expanded their probe and are looking into spying by foreign intelligence and they’ve been to Ukraine. There is also word that Mr. Dunham has found something significant.

Democrats are running scared. We have the dossier, Crowdstrike, unmasking, spying, and other unanswered questions that could come back to haunt the Democrats.

This is just another gimmick. They have nothing else apparently.

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