The hearing Wednesday with DHS Chief Kirstjen Nielsen and the Border Patrol Chief was an absolute disgrace. Grilling would be too mild a word to describe it. Democrats’ only objective was to attack Nielsen’s credibility and character so they could push for open borders.
One hero emerged. Republican from Texas, Dan Crenshaw is an excellent spokesman and helped frame the problem and the solution.
Earlier in the hearing, Kamala Harris blasted the Border Patrol Chief for allegedly taking toys away from immigrant children.
“When the children are in custody at the station they have no access to toys, books or any other means of mental stimulation,” she said, then demanded, “Is it the policy of every station then to remove toys and books and other toys from the children when they arrive?”
He tried to explain that they take away unsafe toys.
But nothing could compare to the abuse Nielsen had to take.
Secretary Nielsen sounded the alarms at the beginning of the hearing. She said “we face a crisis” with “illegal immigration spiraling out of control” and “threatening national security.”
The rule of law and our sovereignty does not concern many in Congress.
“The agency is now on track to apprehend more migrants crossing illegally in the first six months of this fiscal year than the entirety of FY17, and at the current pace we are on track to encounter close to one million illegal aliens at our southern border this year,” Nielsen said.
The Secretary added that the numbers of illegals coming across our border are expanding so rapidly that we are at the “breaking point.” It is a drug, trafficking, and sex trafficking crisis, she said.
Democrats responded irresponsibly.
Rep. from California, Nanette Barragan is an open borders leftist, who is actively trying to destroy our asylum laws. She promotes fake asylum seekers at every opportunity.
The next clip gives a good example of the red herrings that were thrown out during the hearing. One would have to be a complete fool to fall for these straw men.
Dan Crenshaw is an American hero who stood up for our nation. He gave Nielsen an opportunity to speak. The Democrats rarely did.
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