Stacey Abrams, the rising Democrat star, wrote a long Communist manifesto calling for a revolution against whites in her 22-page essay written for Foreign Affairs last Friday. She is one of the New Democrat Party leaders who use identity politics as a cudgel to tear us apart while pretending it will unite us.
Incoherently, she writes, “the less we have in common the more united we will be.” Most of her article is illogical and dishonest. It’s entirely vile as she calls for all the identity groups to overthrow the only people left out of her purported victimized classes — whites.
As you read this, understand this is what the Democrat Party wants for you and for this nation.
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Abrams was chosen by the Democrat Party to give the rebuttal to the State of the Union so make no mistake her hard-left ideology is the direction they have chosen.
The icon of the new left is dividing America into groups based on identities including race, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, and even disability status. The only thing that matters is the ability to claim a trait that blesses one with victimhood status.
The only worth is victimhood and a special identity, not hard work, intelligence, commitment, or talent, is what makes a person an entitled, worthy person. It is what grants people a government special status, benefits, and respect.
Many of these groups she mentions are not marginalized and never were. Whites, in general, don’t see them as victims. Immigrants and Hispanics, for instance, don’t see themselves as marginalized which is why the left goes to illegal immigrants.
Tucker Carlson discussed her article on his show.
He gets to the essence of her article, ‘Identity Politics Strengthens Democracy.‘ Carlson said on his show Wednesday evening, “…if you want to understand what the Democratic party seeks for this country you ought to read the piece.”
“Abrams spends the bulk of the piece calling on what she describes as the ‘marginalized’ to unite against the ‘dominant groups,'” he explained.
“So who is marginalized and who is dominant?” Carlson asked. “It’s not a small question, in the scheme of identity politics it is the only question that matters. Everything rides on who was the victim and who is the oppressor, that’s the entire equation. And Abrams spells out the answer in very clear language. The marginalized, she writes, include “women, Native Americans, African-Americans, immigrants, and the LGBTQ community.”
“The dominant are [sic] everyone who is left, so do the subtraction,” Carlson concluded.
“That’s only one group, you know exactly who they are and so does Stacey Abrams. She says these people, these unnamed people, are responsible for the suffering of everyone else and we need to overthrow them. She uses the language of violence and war to describe what must come next: “politics is the most effective method of revolt.”
“Revolt. People get hurt in revolts, that’s the nature of revolts. Stacey Abrams knows that she wants one anyway, she doesn’t hide it. Demagoguery like this would make a kind of sense if your only interest was in winning elections and you didn’t care about what happened afterward, that’s where Democrats are right now.