Democrat Governor Actually Vetos the National Popular Vote


Democrats are angry that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote and lost the presidency. They have demanded an end to the Electoral College. At the same time, liberal/leftist states are supporting a similar threat, the National Popular Vote Compact.

Nevada planned to join the NPV, but the Democratic governor put an end to their dream. He vetoed it.

He is the first Democrat governor to reject the bill. He put his state first.

He has that exactly right. Governor Sisolak is the first Democrat governor faced with this decision to realize it takes his state’s voice away.

The NPV would nullify the voices of less populated states and make serfs out of them.

The bill would lead to populous states like California and New York controlling the presidency ad infinitum.

They need 270 electoral votes to reach their goal of making this law and are 81 votes away. Getting to the 270 will be difficult and would require red-leaning states to join the compact.

This is unconstitutional but it would create a terrible mess if they make it. The lawsuits alone could hold up the elections and the fighting would be very damaging to our system of government.


Dan McLaughlin explained what this means. He uses a hypothetical example: R candidate wins 48 states by identical 54-46 margins, D wins CA, NY & DC by 75-25 margins, D wins national popular vote.

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