If you say you will tax the rich, Americans seem to become catatonic, but what they should understand is that the rich pay most of the taxes and provide most of the jobs. After they get hit with taxes they will not be willing to pay, those benefits go away.
Rep. Ilhan Omar is a hardcore leftist who wanted to outdo Rep. Alexandria OCommie-Cortez who proposed a marginal tax rate of 70% on the 1%ers’ income. Omar did her one better and says 90% isn’t too much.
In other words, if a person makes over $300,000 in some states where that income is the top 1%, the amount over that would be taxed over 90 percent.
Then the amount would be taxed again by state and local governments. The rich would get to work for free over that amount and pay for the privilege.
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How long before the 1% hide that money and the leftists have to go looking elsewhere for money to pay for their extravagances?
We have a 20 trillion dollar debt and all the left and others want to do is spend. Therefore, they would be compelled to go down the chain to the less wealthy until they hit the middle class. That’s how Socialism/Progressivism/Communism work.
“There are a few things that we can do,” Rep. Omar said in an interview with “Through Her Eyes.”
“One of them is that we can increase the taxes that people are paying who are the extremely wealthy in our communities. So, 70 percent, 80 percent, we’ve had it as high as 90 percent. So, that’s a place we can start.”
“The one percent must pay their fair share,” she continued.
Rep. Omar mentioned the tax increase as a way to pay for programs like Medicare for All and the Green New Deal being championed by Rep. Ocasio-Cortez.
She wants to cut defense of course. She said this is a place to START. If so, where does it end?
Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) calls for government to raise taxes up to “90%” on the top 1% to pay for the multi-trillion dollar programs Democrats want
Omar says “that’s a place we can start”
In the majority of states, to be in the top 1% of earners one has to make $300-500K per year pic.twitter.com/vlTsZ0PA2z
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) February 1, 2019
Running on high taxes is very popular among Democrats. The politics of envy they embrace requires one to outdo the other. What happens when they get to 100%?
Democrats in general are running on higher taxes. They’re crazy. The economy is going well, why would they do this?
These are a few of the responses. We mostly left out the ones calling her ignorant and a moron.
The 50% increase in defense spending since 9/11 is the reason 9/11 #2 has not occured! A Somali Muslim wearing a hijab, suggesting that we decrease defense spending, would be similar to a Neo-Nazi suggesting to Jews that free healthcare is only a train ride away @MarkSteynOnline
— Scott L. Helmreich (@ScottHelmreich) February 1, 2019
Please send me 90% of your paycheck first.
— Seth Gunderson (@seth_gunderson) February 1, 2019
There aren’t enough people who make that kind of money. This will fall to the middle class and subsequently wipe out the middle class. There will only be the Uber Rich the political class and the poor. Guess which class the majority of us will fall into?
— Jeff (@Jeff10845303) February 1, 2019
So ignorant. Imagine a world where Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and Steve Jobs knew that if they were too successful, they’d have to give 90% of their income (at the margin) to the government. They’d stay home and watch Price is Right. And we’d still be sending snail mail.
— Deelaw (@RidgeMgmt) February 1, 2019
Adorable watching these imbeciles trying to sound intelligent calling for government theft of earnings and property. Even more sad to watch enthusiastic response from those who think this form of government power and control is the foundation of positive change.
— 🇺🇸 Christoph 🇺🇸 (@N0QUART3R) February 1, 2019
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