Dems’ Leading Candidate Joe Biden Is So Perfect!


The Democrats’ leading candidate according to the polls is Joe Biden. He is trying to sell himself as a non-socialist, but he recently told the New Left that he has “the most progressive record of anybody running.” He’s moderate and extreme — perfect!

It is a mystery as to how Democrats will cover for him and his past. If it doesn’t work out, Democrats always have their old standby — Hillary Clinton. It’s either her or the white guys.

Biden is trying to be the next Barack Obama but that won’t work.

The Washington Examiner unearthed a new clip of Biden praising big time segregationist Strom Thurmond. Thurmond was a southern Democrat who voted against the Civil Rights Act. He became a Republican.

Biden is a tough sell as one who once opposed busing to integrate school systems and voted for the crime bill.

He stood for traditional marriage, voted for the Iraq War, and did not support Anita Hill during the confirmation hearings of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. He even voted to confirm Justice Scalia.

His fifty years of getting in bed with lobbyists and working out questionable deals in China and Ukraine for his son won’t play well.

The Intercept reported Wednesday that the Chinese fund backed by Biden’s son Hunter invested in the technology used to surveil Muslims. The Chinese routinely throw Muslims in re-education camps.

His 1988 presidential bid, his second, ended when his plagiarism was exposed.

Biden is a notable gaffe-master. He said about Barack Obama in 2007, “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”

Wow, clean and articulate?

His rude jokes are the stuff of legends. “In Delaware, the largest growth in population is Indian-Americans moving from India. You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking,” he said.

Biden is also a merciless race baiter. As we said, he’s just so perfect, so diverse!

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