Dennis Miller: Trump Should “Get Out of There, The Country’s Lost”


Bill O’Reilly welcomed Dennis Miller on his podcast this week to discuss the political situation and Trump’s chances of survival.

Bill O’Reilly started the conversation with the importance of getting the tax cuts for working Americans. He said if Trump doesn’t get the tax cuts through, his presidency is over, and the Democrats know that. He can’t fail on both Obamacare and the tax cuts, he said.

We are in a dysfunctional country with our politicians playing a terrible game and not looking out for the folks, O’Reilly added.

If Republicans don’t get the tax cuts through, Democrats will win the House and Senate in 2018, he said, and then all Democrats need is the presidency.

Miller disagreed with O’Reilly that for the Democrats to win, they’d have to take the presidency. He said, “I’ve never seen them in more control than this. They dictate everything. They’ve taken a huge chunk out of Trump. If I were Trump, I’d start half-stepping this, and get out of there. The country’s lost at this point in my book, but I’ve told you that many times,” he said.

To think that 50% pay the taxes and the other half doesn’t, we’re down to one on one sponsorship, Miller said. He then went into a half-humorous, half-serious skit.

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