Despicable! NYS to waive double jeopardy for people pardoned by Trump


Claiming it’s a loophole, the New York State legislature is about to push through a law claiming an exemption to double jeopardy. Once it is signed — and it will be signed by the Trump hating leftist Andrew Cuomo — New York Attorney General Letitia James will be able to bring charges against anyone pardoned for federal crimes by President Trump.

Andrew Cuomo will sign a bill eliminating double jeopardy for people tied to President Trump.

It is solely aimed at anyone pardoned by the President, and it was crafted by Leticia James

Leticia James

Currently, state prosecutors in New York cannot bring similar charges against someone who has accepted a pardon from Trump.

This law, which passed the Senate, and will breeze through the Assembly, allows double jeopardy for anyone tied to Trump who has been pardoned. It is not retroactive.

It’s written in a way that would only allow state charges to be brought against a pardoned individual with direct ties to Trump, either through his family, their work on his campaign, or their work in the White House.


Bob Barr, writing for The Daily Caller explains the reasoning behind the double jeopardy law this way:

In our federal system of governing, power is shared between the federal and the several state governments, with each constituting a separate and legal “sovereign” empowered and entitled to enforce its code of criminal law; even if doing so places an individual at risk of a successive prosecution for the same offense. Notwithstanding what appears on its face to be an exercise in “double jeopardy,” the U.S. Supreme Court has long permitted the practice (but a case currently before the High Court for decision could change that).

However, recognizing the fundamental unfairness resulting from this application of “dual sovereignty,” many states, including New York, have enacted laws that prevent state prosecutors from bringing criminal charges against a person if that individual had previously been convicted of the offense by the federal government. But last week, in a fit of partisan pique, New York’s heavily Democratic legislature decided to limit that protection by passing a measure that Gov. Andrew Cuomo — who wears his hatred of Trump like a red badge of courage — is certain to sign into law.

To be clear, this is specifically anti-Trump legislation.

Leticia James is pursuing the NRA as well, calling it a “terrorist organization.” As Cuomo is forcing insurance companies and banks to back away from doing business with the NRA under bogus complaints, James is investigating the NRA’s very corporate existence — it’s a witch hunt looking for an offense.

If you are not falling in line with the leftists in charge, you will become their target. It’s abusive and it’s despicable.


Before Leticia James was elected, she bragged about getting Trump, and now she is getting Trump. James is a former ‘consumer advocate’ who ran on getting Trump. She is ethically challenged and has a serious case of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

She explained to a Brooklyn blogger in this clip:


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