Disney’s Icon Joyless Behar Would Like to Imprison Orin Hatch


Is there any Republican Joyless Behar doesn’t want to resign or put in jail? The crackhead host of ABC’s “The View,” slammed retiring Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and wanted him imprisoned for supporting President Trump. Many on the left agree with her.

The Disney Damsel took a video clip out of context to smear Hatch as he goes off into retirement.

First, she said today, the anniversary of her 20 years polluting the airwaves, would be a good day for the President to resign. One might say it would also be a good day for her to quit.

Joyless made a note of a CNN interview in which the reporter asked Senator Orin Hatch about President Trump’s links to the former lawyer and current liar, Michael Cohen.

The reporter said the prosecutor in Cohen’s case for the Southern District of New York is a Trump appointee and he wondered, based on that, if the senator is worried about whether the President committed crimes.

Listen to the two-minute clip because Hatch does NOT say he doesn’t care if the President committed a crime. He explains that the President is doing an excellent job as President and he doesn’t believe he committed a crime.

Under these laws today, he added, you can make anything a crime.

The always-inaccurate Behar claimed the senator doesn’t care if the President committed crimes. She took the quote completely out of context and told the audience that he said, “I don’t care. The president’s doing a good job”.

It’s not just her lying about what Hatch said. The entire leftist media is doing it.

As a result of her inaccurate reporting and analysis, she concluded that Hatch might need to be in prison.

“He is going out of office. He has nothing to lose by speaking, against, truth to power about Trump,” she said ironically as she herself lied.

“Why does he say, ‘Even if he commits a crime, it’s OK?’ Maybe he needs to go to jail, too,” she wondered.

Oh Disney, why are you supporting hate? Why should we all be exposed to this kind of hate in the name of Walt Disney?

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