Donna Brazile Said “Kill the f**king duck! G*ddamit!” About Hillary’s Creepy Stalking Ducks


We may not all agree with Donna Brazile’s politics but one must admire her moxie. She’s challenging the entire Democrat Party and, while we could do without her vulgar language, it’s hard not to appreciate her courage, determination. She exhibited that during the duck protest if she is to be believed.

About Hillary Clinton’s creepy Donald Duck stalking campaign, Brazile told her aide, “Kill the f**king duck! G*ddamit!”

Who remembers the duck protest of October 2016? It was idiotic and very base with creepy paid protesters dressed in shabby Donald Duck costumes stalking Trump’s campaign to disrupt his rallies. Donna Brazile said it was approved by Hillary Clinton! Because of it Mrs. Brazile clashed with the former DNC chair, Debbie Wassermann-Schultz.

We knew it was approved by Hillary. Bob Creamer said it himself, on tape, in an undercover Project Veritas video.

Brazile was infuriated by the idiocy” of the duck plan, according to Yahoo News.

Later, when she was told Clinton came up with the idea of using the cartoon character, Brazile told one of her aides, “Kill the f—ing duck, goddamit.”

In October last year, O’Keefe and Project Veritas released a video of Bob Creamer, the co-founder of the Democracy Partners consulting group, in which he said that Clinton directly approved a bizarre plan — an effort to attract media attention and incite violence by dressing activists in Donald Duck costumes and sending the activists into Trump events, emphasizing the argument that Trump was “ducking” releasing his tax returns.

They wanted to diminish Trump in stature.

Creamer, who visited the White House over 340 times and met with Barack Obama 47 times, was in charge of actions to create violence at Trump events and he was in charge of vote rigging. He had daily conference calls with the Clinton campaign.

Meanwhile, the Democrat National Committee released multiple people in shoddy Donald Duck costumes to creepily stalk Trump over his tax returns. It stopped because the media also found it creepy.

It is also illegal for the PAC, Hillary Clinton and the DNC to work together.

The video below shows two top Hillary people talking about creating “anarchy” around Trump, to make him less appealing to American voters.

Robby Mook lied when the video came out and said they were not tied to the creepy duck campaign.

Disney wasn’t happy because Hillary was turning their beloved character into a creep.
Brazile is definitely telling the truth about the duck campaign.


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