As people pour in illegally and the numbers of legal immigrants are at an all-time high, the fake Indian Elizabeth Warren is calling for amnesty for tens of millions of illegal aliens and an increase in the number of legal immigrants.
She knows, as do most of us, that a large influx of foreigners doesn’t allow for assimilation and will irrevocably change our culture. It will also give Democrats a permanent electoral majority.
During a town hall with the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) union in Madison Heights, Michigan, the fake Indian Senator from Massachusetts argued that the tens of millions of illegal aliens in the United States should be given amnesty. She added that doing this will actually be good for American workers. It’s too bad she hasn’t checked how many collect some form of welfare — it’s over 50%.
“We need a pathway to citizenship for the people who are here and here to stay. They are our neighbors; they are our brothers and sisters. They are here,” Warren said. “We need a path — not just for DREAMers — but also a path for grandmas, and for little kids, and for people who came here to work on farms, and for students who overstayed their visas. We need a path that is fair and achievable. Bring people out of the shadows. It is good for all workers, and we need to get them into our unions.”
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Warren also called for expanding legal immigration.
“We need to expand legal immigration,” she said. “The Trump administration has cut it. Families are separated now for years through the legal system. People are frustrated with what they can’t do.”
Separated? You mean second-cousin, twice-removed Aunt Tillie didn’t get here yet?
Watch the phony talk about Momma, Daddy, Aunt Bee and how poor they all were: