Eric Holder Champions NPV to Destroy the Republic


Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to eat for dinner.

Eric Holder has called for the elimination of the current Electoral College process to create what he calls “real democracy.”

The former Obama attorney general and potential 2020 Democratic presidential contender promoted the “good reform measure” on Twitter Tuesday. He is referencing the National Popular Vote.

Conceived by three businessmen, with the involvement of George Soros’s son, the compact changes the United States from a Republic to a Democracy and allows for the “tyranny of the majority.”

Holder linked to an article about Democratic Colorado Gov. Jared Polis in The Hill and his plan to sign a “bill aimed at bypassing” the Electoral College.

“I’ve long supported electing the president by who gets the most votes,” Polis told The Hill, describing the existing process as an “undemocratic relic” of America’s history. “It’s a way to move towards direct election of the president.”

Colorado is the 12th state to join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. The NPV seeks to do an end-run around the Constitution because the left could not get passed a constitutional amendment to alter the Constitution.

The 12 states and D.C. have voted for the Compact, and their electoral votes add up to 181. Once they reach 270, the amount needed to win the White House, the compact will go into effect.

That means states that are part of the coalition would award their electoral votes en masse to the candidate who wins the national popular vote. Since the big numbers are in the Democratic bastions, the country will forever be led by the coastal leftist states and the “flyover” states with lower population numbers will have no voice.

A similar concept has destroyed states like California and New York. All the electoral votes go the way of the majority, forever silencing the opposing party’s voters.

Democrats are pushing hard for this because it gives them their permanent electoral majority.

Many Democrats like Hillary Clinton have called for an end to the Electoral College, and they will never acknowledge that the United States is a Republic. They want it to be a straight Democracy, which is socialism or worse.

One of the first measures introduced by the House this year when Democrats took over was an amendment to eliminate the Electoral College. They want one-party rule by Mobocracy.

Holder’s Tweets

More Details on the Link

Colorado Joins the Soros Effort to Destroy the Electoral College

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