Evil Governor Signs Abortion Bill Worse Than New York’s


The governor of Illinois signed a bill today that strips away any and all abortion restrictions. Lila Rose said it is worse than the bill in New York because it allows abortions up to birth for any reason whatsoever, and worse.

I was born at 3:02 a.m. I could be aborted in Illinois at 3:01 a.m.

The brutal practice of partial-birth abortion will be permitted. There will not be any parental notification of minors. Abortion facilities will no longer require licensing. In that case, they had better free Dr. Gosnell. He obviously did nothing wrong by these rules. The mothers can execute their babies at any time for any reason and they can now have unlicensed people do it.


On Monday, the evil Governor Pritzker said abortion is a “fundamental right.” The left doesn’t think self-defense is a fundamental right or even free speech but killing a human life is.

Meanwhile, on Monday, Vermont’s Republican governor signed a law declaring abortion a “fundamental right.”

Let’s ask the baby how she or he feels about this right.

The bill, which Governor Phil Scott signed, also protects the right to contraception, sterilization and family planning. The state’s House gave final approval to the bill on May 14, and there was some uncertainty about how the governor would act.

“This legislation affirms what is already allowable in Vermont – protecting reproductive rights and ensuring those decisions remain between a woman and her health care provider,” Scott said in a statement. “I know this issue can be polarizing, so I appreciate the respectful tone and civility from all sides throughout this discussion.”

Vermont is also considering Proposal 5, which would amend the state’s constitution to declare abortion a right.

It’s a right to kill a fully-developed baby.

Don’t forget that a fetus is a baby is a human life.  Don’t lie to yourself and say it’s nothing.

Listen to this mom-to-be’s impassioned plea.

How many like this precious baby were killed?

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