Evil Lawmakers Order Church to Pay for Elective Abortions


Statue of Lenin in Seattle

A church is suing the state of Washington for attempting to force churches to pay for elective abortion coverage in health care plans.

CBN News reports that Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), the lawyers representing Cedar Park Assembly of God, are challenging the state abortion mandate on the grounds that it is unconstitutional.

“No church should be coerced to pay for abortions, least of all a church that dedicates its ministry to protecting and celebrating life,” ADF Legal Counsel Elissa Graves said in a press release. “Cedar Park believes and teaches that every human life begins at conception and is worthy of protection at every point until natural death.”

Washington State Senate Bill 6219 states that if churches pay for maternity coverage, they must pay for abortion coverage as well.

The legislation requires Cedar Park to provide coverage for abortion if the church also offers maternity care coverage to its employees, or face fines and criminal penalties, including imprisonment.

They could put people in JAIL for not paying to kill babies!

The ADF complaint explains that Cedar Park purchased a group health insurance plan in order to provide high-quality health care coverage for its employees and fulfill its legal obligations under the law.

“As part of its commitment to care for its employees and their families,” the complaint states, “Cedar Park provides comprehensive insurance coverage for maternity care. Cedar Park believes that maternity care is an integral part of its call to provide for the health of its employees and their families. Because of its religious beliefs, however, Cedar Park seeks to offer health insurance coverage to its employees in a way that does not also cause it to pay for abortions.”

It’s also not just abortion coverage that is mandated. Churches are forced to pay for contraception too.

The Catholic bishops balked and Democrat state Sen. Steve Hobbs, the bill sponsor, replied that if they didn’t like it they could sue, saying this was about the woman and not about the church.

These people are evil and out of control. These elective abortions have nothing to do with women’s health. They are about an agenda — an anti-religious one.

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