Contributor James Soviero
Netflix will offer a documentary about Louis Farrakhan. As leader of the hate group, the Nation of Islam, he is known for vile, anti-Semitic, anti-White, and anti-gay views. He’s also a misogynist. Now, thanks to Netflix, he gets a platform to spew his hate on August 1st.
According to National Review, the film is titled “The Honourable Minister Louis Farrakhan: My Life’s Journey Through Music,” and was produced by his son.
It was only Monday a top executive at Netflix announced it would focus more on faith-based and family programming. A
The leader of the Black Nationalist hate group makes frequent racist, homophobic, and sexist statements.
Accepting Louis Farrakhan is like whites accepting the Klan.
In February, Farrakhan went on an anti-Semitic rant, saying Jews “were responsible for all of this filth and degenerate behavior that Hollywood is putting out, turning men into women and women into men.”
Farrakhan said, “Jews are my enemy” and Jews are “not really Jews but are in fact Satan”. He blames Jews for 9/11. The minister of hate calls Hitler a “very good man”. He also said in February, “White folks are going down.”
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It’s not likely the amoral buffoons at Netflix will share any of this in the documentary.
It’s pretty certain that The Nation of Islam killed Malcolm X because he was becoming too peaceful. They’re lousy people.
Hollywood and Netflix also want pedophilia to be the next big hurdle we all accept. To those ends, Netflix has a film showing us a 9-year-old masturbating.
They also show porn movies and other garbage like nasty, vulgar comics and fake scientists like Bill Nye who doesn’t even know how many genders there are.