Facebook Whitewashes History By Banning a Neutral News Service



Facebook won’t even allow history. They recently shut down normal history channels because they talked about Adolf Hitler [not positively at all].

Facebook banned the neutral news service displaying this photo which was used only for historical purposes. It shows the irony of KKK hatemongers enjoying a child’s ride, a Ferris Wheel. It’s downright scary.

That news came to me in an email from Ken LaCorte, a former Fox News executive, who started his own neutral news service, LaCorte News. This is the email:

Facebook whitewashes the past

by Ken LaCorte

“I’ve been censored!”

It’s a complaint we hear frequently these days, and it’s often difficult to know who’s really being suppressed and who’s crying, victim.

It’s clearly getting worse, though. The above photo was taken down by Facebook, which also banned my personal account banned for a week for having posted it.

I’d upload the picture in 2017 on a Facebook page we run featuring historical images. The page is followed by over 270,000 people and people seem to enjoy seeing glimpses of the past.

This image tells a lot about our history and the popularity of the KKK in 1926, when the group had millions of members nationwide, including the governor of Colorado, where the picture was taken. [Democrats, by the way]

At first, I assumed it got caught up by computers banning anything related to the KKK, but despite my appeal to Facebook, the bans stand.

Facebook has the right to remove any content on its platform, but we’re entering a period where our interactions, which now heavily occur via Facebook, Twitter, Google and the like, are clamping down on “acceptable” speech.

Sometimes those clampdowns seem reasonable but instances like this should give us pause as to what the digital gatekeepers will allow, deny or even erase from history.

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