Fakeahontas Warren Hopes to Run for President by Bashing Fox News


Pocahontas is trying to run for President on the hate Trump agenda despite her hateful history and fraudulent genealogy. Socialist Lieawatha also blasted Fox News since it’s the only network that gives the President a fair shake. Fox News is an “echo chamber of fear and hatred,” she claims in a new hate-filled video announcing her exploratory committee.

The former Indian trashed the usual targets — capitalists and Fox News!

Warren wants to neutralize Fox News so she can demean Trump. She needs bogeymen because her policies are awful and anti-American.


“Corruption is poisoning our democracy,” Warren said in the video over images of Republican leaders. “Politicians look the other way while big insurance companies deny patients life-saving coverage, while big banks rip off consumers and while big oil companies destroy this planet.”

Sure, Crazy Horse, that’s what all capitalists want — to destroy the planet.

As she unleashed her deranged assault, talking about a “dark path,” images of Hannity, Tucker, and Ingraham filled the screen.

“The whole scam is propped up by an echo chamber of fear and hatred,” she continued, with zero self-awareness. “Designed to distract and divide us with people who will do or say anything to hang on to power, point the finger at anyone who looks, thinks, prays, loves differently than they do.”

“This dark path doesn’t have to be our future,” claimed the wacky socialist who has not yet made a formal announcement on a 2020 presidential run. Warren promised to announce her decision “early in the new year.”

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