FBI & DNC colluded to meddle in the presidential election & no one is accountable


The FBI meddled in the 2016 election and they colluded with the DNC. That is the conclusion that Sen. Hawley reached yesterday during the hearing with the DOJ’s Inspector General Michael Horowitz.

He asked him which is worse, to have a foreign government meddle in our elections or our own government.

“Is it worse to have a foreign government trying to meddle in our elections, or is it worse to have our own government meddling in the election?” asked Hawley. Referring to the report, Hawley continued: “It shows that our government, the most powerful law enforcement agency in the nation, the FBI, effectively meddled in an ongoing presidential campaign.”


He put the blame on the DNC [which was controlled by Hillary Clinton].

“The DNC pays for the Steele dossier, solicits the Steele dossier, and then gets the Federal Bureau of Investigation to go get FISA warrants, surveil an American citizen, and surveil a presidential campaign all on the basis of this manufactured garbage that they paid for. I mean that’s extraordinary,” he asserted.

“That has got to be the first time in history. In fact, let me just ask you, Mr. Horowitz, are you aware ever of another presidential campaign being targeted by the FBI like the Trump campaign was?”

IG Horowitz said, no, he’s not an expert, but not to his knowledge.

“To me, this is the untold story of the 2016 campaign,” continued Hawley. “I don’t know who at the DNC hatched this, but I suppose they ought to take a victory lap, but certainly they should be remembered for it; to get the FBI to pursue surveillance of a rival presidential campaign and then into the newly elected president’s term I think is just extraordinary.”

Hawley wanted to know why the wrongdoers are still working in the FBI.

“I think the collusion here was between the DNC and the FBI,” he concluded.



Hillary and the DNC funded opposition research from foreign sources (Russian disinformation spread by anti-Trump British MI6 agent Christopher Steele). That information went from there to the FBI, first via Steele, then via Bruce Ohr from Steele. His wife Nellie Ohr worked for Fusion GPS on Trump-Russia as did Steele.

The FBI spied (illegal surveillance) on Trump’s campaign while Strzok and Page boasted of reporting back to Obama.

Both the FBI and the DNC kept the opposition research coming.

The FBI allegedly relied entirely on the dossier but never inquired about funding?

As Kimberly Strassel tweeted, “Remember Comey telling us it was no big deal who paid for dossier? Turns out it was a big deal in FBI/DOJ, where one lawyer (Stuart Evans) expressed “concerns” it had been funded by Clinton/DNC. Because of his “consistent inquiries” we go that convoluted footnote.”

Not a soul went to jail and most still work at the FBI. Bruce Ohr is still at the FBI.

That’s the deep state. Unelected bureaucrats who rule over us. It might change which is why the left is demonizing Attorney General Barr and U.S. Attorney Durham.

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