Federal judge orders ballots in Spanish by 2020 for Puerto Ricans


A Federal judge ordered Florida to provide their ballots is Spanish by 2020 on behalf of Puerto Ricans who can’t speak English or don’t speak it well enough to read a ballot. Election officials are ordered to provide other assistance for the non-English speaking voters.

A federal judge ordered 32 Florida counties to provide ballots in Spanish beginning next year, stating that failure to do so would be a violation of the Voting Rights Act.

The order was in the form of a preliminary injunction in a case brought by voters who were educated in Puerto Rico and are lacking proficiency in English, The Palm Beach Post reported.

They can’t speak English but they’re voting? Great. All they get to hear from are commies like Jorge Rodriguez or Luis Gutierrez.

A lot of Puerto Ricans moved to Florida during the hurricane and they stayed. They are pushed to vote Democrat. They are also being told the President did nothing for them during the hurricane, even though they received more relief than Houston and Florida combined.

Democrats are promising billions for Puerto Rico so there’s that.

A large majority of Hispanics in the state are registered as Democrats.

“Compliance with this Order is not optional,” Chief Judge Mark Walker of the Northern District of Florida Gainesville Division wrote in a Friday ruling. “This Court will not hesitate to use every tool the law provides to enforce this Order.”

Puerto Ricans are citizens and not doing so will be considered voter suppression, the judge warned.

Democrats are determined to turn Florida blue and non-English speaking voters are very vulnerable to leftist propaganda.


Gov. Ron DeSantis and Secretary of State Laurel Lee have already initiated the process of creating new rules that would require the state to provide voters with Spanish-language ballots in time for the 2020 general election.

The judge didn’t need to do what he did what he did. Was this to send a message? He claims it was necessary to make sure the ballot complies with the Voting Rights Act, which mandates foreign language ballots.

The whole foreign language ballot thing is ridiculous to me. Learn English. How much do they understand about U.S History?

We don’t want the left/Democrats to make us a multilingual nation because it means loss of cultural identity.


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