Feds Arrest Rudy’s Friends Who Helped Him with Ukraine — Update


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The Wall Street Journal reports that Igor Fruman and Lev Parnas, two foreign-born donors who gave money to a political action committee supporting President Donald Trump, were arrested Wednesday night and face charges tied to campaign-finance violations. The Feds say they conspired to make illegal donations and used false names.

The pair are expected to appear in federal court Thursday.

Fruman and Parnas worked with Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s personal attorney, Giuliani has previously said, as part of his dealings in Ukraine that involved efforts to encourage the nation to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden.

The two pro-Trump businessmen have been the subject of several hit pieces recently for supplying names and arranging introductions to top officials in Ukraine to Rudy Giuliani. That doesn’t mean they’re not true.

Mr. Parnas said he did give the funds inappropriately but was confident his lawyer would straighten it out. He added that God would help him get through it.

It’s odd how punishments are only meted out to Republicans, never Democrats like Tony Podesta, Greg Craig, Barack Obama, Ilhan Omar, AOC and her former Chief of Staff, Rashida Tlaib, and others. We’re fine with guilty Republicans being arrested but we’d like to see equal justice.

The ‘politically biased’ whistleblower referenced these two men in his contrived letter of complaint.

We want to be careful here, however, since Mr. Parnas admitted he did not make the donations in the appropriate way, and the Feds describe serious offenses.


The businessmen are major Republican donors and they like Trump. Parnas golfs with Rudy. Mr. Parnas also has a business that could benefit from this relationship but it hasn’t and the media is now calling his business corrupt.

The Miami Herald detailed debts Mr. Parnas allegedly has. Okay, so what?

Parnas and Fruman own Global Energy Producers and have donated $400,000 to Republican candidates and $325,000 to a pro-Trump Super PAC. Those donations are the subject of a complaint from a ‘nonpartisan watchdog’ The Campaign Legal Center. What they don’t tell you is The Campaign Legal Center, which frequently works with Democracy 21 to shut down the free speech of conservatives, has received large donations from George Soros.

The Campaign Legal Center has smeared the company and only seems to find fault with right-wing organizations in their so-called honorable pursuit of justice.

The Campaign Legal Center (CLC) is a lobbying and litigation front-group for wealthy foundation supporters seeking to restrict the First Amendment rights of American citizens reports the Institute for Free Speech.


Parnas admits he made donations to help him play with the big boys.

Parnas says no one in the administration has promised to help his business because of the contribution. As for the complaint, he says the way the money was wired to the PAC was a mistake and he has learned to do it differently next time.

“It’s a whole big misunderstanding that my attorneys are going to clear up,” says Parnas.

And he says the plan to get attention didn’t work anyway. “With all this publicity it’s been difficult to do any business, obviously, in Ukraine now,” says Parnas.

They’re not done with Mr. Parnas yet.


The indictment just came out and it’s bad. They are accused of setting up straw men to allow donations from foreign nationals. They are, however, innocent until proven guilty, and Rudy, who represents them in another matter says the timing is suspect.

Giuliani told Fox News that he represents Parnas and Fruman on a separate matter and called their arrest and indictment “timing suspect.” He stated that he “will reveal relevant facts very very shortly.”

Prosecutors said both were preparing to flee the country.

u.s..v..Lev.parnas.et.Al.in… by Geoffrey Rowland on Scribd

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