FemiNazis Dedicate a Little Conference Room to “Credible” Christine


Far-left FemiNazis of The Wing dedicated a little conference room to Christine Blasey Ford and it has made news. The Wing is an organization of Manhattan Democrats [leftists] who network and fill jobs in New York City with other FemiNazis and poser FemiNazis.

Truth, justice, and the American Way is not in their lexicon.

The fact that Mrs. Ford had no evidence and made a number of misstatements during her testimony means nothing to these ladies apparently or to anyone on the left. The media deemed her to be “credible”, even Fox News’s Chris Wallace said she was “credible”. One might wonder if they aren’t confusing sympathetic with credible.

There is no questioning of the presumption of guilt or due process. Hell, no!

Look at the cute little commie fist bump emoji in this tweet.

Hillary spoke with this group in Soho in Manhattan in early April.

“What do you consider to be your legacy?” asked The Wing‘s Audrey Gelman, wearing an elegant cropped gray pantsuit. “And before you answer, I just want to say, this is part of your legacy.” The audience broke out into exhilarated claps and whoops. “I think that literally every woman in this room who does any small act of courage during the day, like asks for a raise, or demands to live her life on her own terms, is part of your legacy, and I know we all thank you for that. I’m curious for your answer.”

“I don’t want to mess that up!” Clinton replied. “That was pretty great.”


Such bunk. A woman who demands to live life on her own terms is every woman who wishes to do so in the United States and it is no thanks to Hillary Clinton. That’s simply pandering.

The Wing has six new locations since Hillary’s visit. Any woman who wants to make it in NYC must join this club or some similar Democratic club to get ahead. This is how they propagate leftists.

It’s cool.

When I started out in my career in education, I tried joining these types of clubs but they are no place for women who think independently of the groupthink. Even the Women in Education groups were far-left.

Anyway, Blasey has a conference room in her name, along with a slew of other far-left women.

Meanwhile, Justice Kavanaugh got a standing ovation from some very impressive people last night. In case you missed it…

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