Flop Senator Flake Won’t Vote for Judges as Promised


Lame duck senator Jeff Flake and his commie buddy Chris Coons and dopey Cory Booker demanded a bill protecting Robert Mueller from President Trump be brought to the Senate floor for a vote. Senator Mike Lee stood up against it and killed it. Susan Collins also broke with Flake, so now Flake is following through on his promise to block all judicial nominees.

In a speech from the Senate floor on Wednesday, Flake argued that the legislation is necessary in light of President Donald Trump’s “demeaning” and “denigrating” behavior toward Mueller. The Arizona flop cited Trump’s repeated tweets about a “phony witch hunt” staffed by “angry Democrats.”

It’s the failed senator’s last temper tantrum before leaving.

Where was this guy when Barack Obama was stepping all over Congress and the Constitution? Suddenly, he’s a stickler over Matt Whitaker.


Flake wouldn’t make a deal with the Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and all committee votes were canceled.

He vowed to oppose all court picks until he gets a vote on legislation protecting special counsel Robert Mueller.

The notification from the Judiciary Committee didn’t specify when, or if, the committee votes on the nominations would be rescheduled.

Six circuit court nominees had been expected to get a vote, as well as 15 district court nominees.

Flake wanted to hurt Republicans one more time on his way out. This is why his popularity in his own state is at 12 percent.

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