Four Hard-Left Socialists Running as Dems Win Primaries in Pennsylvania


Elizabeth Fiedler, Summer Lee, Kristin Seale, Sara Innamorato

Chicago Alderman Carlos Ramirez-Rosa is thrilled that four Socialists, bona fide members of the Democratic Socialists of America [a variation of communism] won their primaries.

Ramirez, a close ally of Bernie Sanders, tweeted: “@DemSocialists are running for office & winning. Congratulations to the 4 DSA endorsed candidates (2 DSA members) that won PA legislative primaries this week! Let’s replicate these wins across the US for a government that works for the many, not the few.”

The Alderman linked to a New Yorker article describing their successful campaign as a “landslide” in the union-oriented neighborhoods of Pittsburgh and Pennsylvania.

Summer Lee, Sara Innamorato, and Elizabeth Fiedler, all candidates for the State House, are endorsed by the Democratic Socialists of America, the hard-left organization founded in 1982 and revitalized by Bernie Sanders, the New Yorker reports.

They are more than endorsed, they are hardline Socialists.

The article points to a Pennsylvania professor and political analyst who says conventional wisdom says you run from the center.

He says: “That’s the struggle for the soul of the Democratic Party: Should it go left, to its F.D.R. roots, or to the center, which is more advantageous? It’s playing out on a national level, but here on a local level, too.”

A fourth DSA member not mentioned in the New Yorker article, Kristin Seale won in Philadelphia. Seale will run against Rep. Christopher Quinn. Fiedler, also in Philly, has no opponent.

Lee and Immorato, who defeated state reps. in Pittsburgh, don’t have Republicans running against them.

DSA is hailing the victories as a shift in the party. “We’re turning the state the right shade of red tonight,” said the Communist president of the Pittsburgh DSA chapter.

Kristin Seale’s retweet:

Here is another one of her retweets:

These people are revolutionaries and if this continues, America is heading for disaster.

The DSA has a more radical Marxist platform than the Communist Party USA. They want to abolish prisons and police. They hope to abolish Capitalism and add all the Sanders freebies to our over-burdened economy. Venezuela, here we come!

We will all be California and we will all go down together.

They won’t go away.

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