Last week, Tucker Carlson spent the first segment on his show discussing illegal immigration. One comment he made caused Pacific Life to drop him and since then, others have followed like lemmings.
This is the comment that caused the scared little lemmings to run:
“We have a moral obligation to admit the world’s poor, they tell us, even if it makes our own country poorer and dirtier and more divided,” he said, before criticizing immigrants with his take on the Emma Lazarus poem at the base of the Statue of Liberty. “Huddled masses yearning to breathe free? Nope, cynical shakedown artists who have been watching too much CNN.”
The word “dirtier” really got to people.
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On Monday, he had this to say:
“The left says we have a moral obligation to admit the world’s poor. Even if it makes our own country more like Tijuana is now, which is to say poorer and dirtier and more divided,” he said. “That’s what we said. It’s true… But precisely because it is so obviously true, saying it out loud is a threat.”
Some advertisers are jumping ship
- Pacific Life
- Bowflex
- Indeed
- Minted
- NerdWallet
- SmileDirectClub
- Voya Financial
- Land Rover
- Zenni Optical
- Just For Men
- United Explorer
- ScotteVest
Fox News spokesperson told Huffington Post that it was an “unnecessary distraction”.
“It is a shame that left-wing advocacy groups, under the guise of being supposed ‘media watchdogs’ weaponize social media against companies in an effort to stifle free speech,” the spokesperson said. “We continue to stand by and work with our advertisers through these unfortunate and unnecessary distractions.”
Fox News sent out another statement to HuffPo on Tuesday, telling them it “cannot and will not allow voices like Tucker Carlson to be censored by agenda-driven intimidation efforts from the likes of, Media Matters and Sleeping Giants.”
“Attempts were made last month to bully and terrorize Tucker and his family at their home. He is now once again being threatened via Twitter by far-left activist groups with deeply political motives,” the statement read. “While we do not advocate boycotts, these same groups never target other broadcasters and operate under a grossly hypocritical double standard given their intolerance to all opposing points of view.”
The left applauded the far-left group terrorizing Tucker’s wife at this home and now they are applauding the fascist boycott.
Major sponsors are sticking with him, including Farmer’s Insurance, My Pillow, Mitsubishi, Bayer, and John Deere.
Tucker has free speech and he must be allowed to speak. The left can say any vile thing they want about those on the right. Look what they did to Justice Kavanaugh. Check out the hateful things they say daily about Trump’s team and his supporters.
Tucker said the following about free speech.
We spend a lot of time talking about the threat to free speech. It’s not an academic question. If they can force you to shut up, they will. Here’s their latest attempt. (PART 1)
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) December 18, 2018
We spend a lot of time talking about the threat to free speech. It’s not an academic question. If they can force you to shut up, they will. Here’s their latest attempt. (PART 2)
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) December 18, 2018
We spend a lot of time talking about the threat to free speech. It’s not an academic question. If they can force you to shut up, they will. Here’s their latest attempt. (PART 3)
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) December 18, 2018
James Woods made an excellent point about the illegals.
Now that the “caravan” of would-be illegal aliens are stalled in Tijuana, the liberal media have forgotten about them. Since they can’t embarrass Trump any longer, nor become illegal voters for Democrats, @CNN couldn’t care less about their plight.
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) December 18, 2018
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