Matt Damon portrayed an unhinged Brett Kavanaugh on Saturday Night Live’s first show of the season. It was easy for him. It took no real talent or courage to give the rabid left wing audience exactly what they demanded and expected.
Perhaps the only risk in doing that skit was viewers might recall Matt’s close relationships with a couple of his very famous Tinseltown friends, who’d badly misbehaved around women. That might have been an issue, because lost on Damon, who seemly has a pre-schooler’s self awareness, are his own deep connections with this pair of very good buddies; acknowledged groper Ben Affleck and the odious Harvey Weinstein.
Ah but fear not, because most SNL fans suffering from both a hatred of anything Trump and a lack of any intellectual curiosity, unsurprisingly gave Damon’s hypocrisy a pass.
The same, however, could not be said for Fox News resident libertarian, philosopher, and satirist, Greg Gutfeld. Please check out the link and watch Greg torch the Hollywood hypocrite using Damon’s own words from an interview most folks have likely never seen. Oh man. It’s about perfect.
(advance to 46 seconds to get to Damon)