Free Beacon Crashes After They Report More Bad News About McMaster


This is odd. After the Free Beacon reported that H.R. McMaster forbade employees from mentioning that designated “Obama loyalists” were “holdovers”, their website went down. Could be a coincidence. The website is back up.

Obama loyalists can’t even mention they’re Obama loyalists.

The Free Beacon reports that it is a battle between veteran Trump staffers committed to the president’s campaign vision of “draining the swamp”‘ in Washington and entrenched bureaucracies seeking to maintain control over policy decision-making.

The beacon report, based on unnamed sources, claims McMaster plans to fire “at least four other senior NSC officials” loyal to President Trump in the coming weeks.

He just fired three senior National Security Council officials who are pro-Israel, anti-radical Islamic Terrorism, anti-Iran deal, pro-Trump, and anti-climate change accord. They are also employees who want Obama’s master plan for the mid-East, PSD-11, de-classified.

From the Washington Free Beacon:

One veteran GOP foreign policy hand who has been in constant contact with the administration since its transition to the White House told the Free Beacon that McMaster has sought to downplay outstanding issues with Obama-era holdovers believed to be undermining the administration.

“One of the first things H.R. McMaster did when he took over the NSC was order all the staffers who came in with Trump to stop talking about Obama ‘holdovers.’ It was an actual, literal, explicit instruction,” the source said. “He didn’t want anyone pointing out how Obama loyalists were still in place, undermining President Trump, and leaking against him.”

“After he was done protecting the entrenched bureaucracy McMaster went on offense, which is what you’re seeing now,” the source said. “He’s purging the people who came up with Trump and are genuinely loyal supporters.”

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