Georgetown Prof Says White GOP Should Be Castrated & Fed to Swine


Campus Reform has an article up about the Georgetown University professor who previously tweeted profanity-laced comments about Republicans. She now wants them to be castrated, die miserable deaths, and be fed to the pigs.

It seems the Distinguished Associate Professor Christine Fair says white GOP senators in Thursday’s Kavanaugh hearing “deserve miserable deaths.”

She tweeted of GOP senators, “we castrate their corpses and feed them to swine.”

One current Georgetown student said others who see the professor’s tweet might feel “threatened” if they hold different opinions.

Christine Fair tweeted:

“Look at thus [sic] chorus of entitled white men justifying a serial rapist’s arrogated entitlement,” Fair tweeted on Thursday. Referencing a video of “Lindsey Graham’s tirade,” Fair, who is a victim of sexual assault, added, “all of them deserve miserable deaths while feminists laugh as they take their last gasps.”

“Bonus: we castrate their corpses and feed them to swine? Yes,” she concluded the tweet.

Fair is an inveterate hate monger

Her hate knows no bounds and she is a sexist and racist.

Fair’s Twitter page has a banner that reads, “DON’T GRAB MY PUSSY.” She bills herself in her Twitter bio as a “Scholar of South Asian pol-mil affairs, inter-sectional feminist, pitbull apostle, scotch devotee, nontheist, resister.”

She also runs a blog called ShitMenSay where she doxxes people. It’s about ‘accountability’, she claims. It is a hateful blog.

A few days ago, Fair tweeted, “GOP doesn’t care about women. We knew this. Fuck them.”.

She is a complete lunatic and Georgetown employs her as a “Distinguished Associate Professor”. There must be hundreds of people who could do her job and who are also sane.

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