The President has been critical of Germany for not paying their share of the defense budget and over their buying of oil from Russia. They are too beholden to Putin.
As a result, Germans seem to think President Trump is dangerous. Of course, they also listen to the leftists in this country who paint the President as a fascist and a Putin puppet.
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A recent poll shows that a plurality of Germans see the President as one of the most dangerous leaders in the world, The Hill reports.
He is dangerous — to globalists. Trump is disrupting their lucrative and corrupt dealings in the globalist power structure.
The YouGov poll commissioned by the German news agency Deutsche Presse-Agentur (DPA) surveyed 2,024 people in Germany between December 16th and December 18th.
The poll found that forty-one percent of Germans think President Trump is more dangerous than Russian president Vladimir Putin, or Kim Jong-un and Xi Jinping.
Seventeen percent said that the North Korean dictator was the biggest threat, followed by Russian President Vladimir and the Supreme Leader of Iran Ali Khamenei who both tied at eight percent.
The President of China, Xi Jinping, was considered the least threatening with just 7 percent listing the Chinese dictator as their biggest concern, despite his government’s nuclear arsenal, the arming of fake islands in the South China Sea, obvious imperialism around the world, and a penchant for mass imprisonment of dissidents and annoying minorities.
And we wonder why the Europeans are going down.
Germany is also in bed with Iran. They do business with them and they won’t help the U.S. avoid war.
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— Vicky (@2tweetaboutit) July 30, 2019