Here’s How The Invasion of Europe Is Coming Along


There is an invasion of the Western World taking place. The people traveling to Europe have very disparate values and beliefs from Europeans. They are uneducated and dirt poor. Assimilation is not taking place and there aren’t jobs for most.

Remember how anyone talking about the no-go zones was pilloried? Beautiful Amsterdam is a veritable no-go zone at night.


Now Amsterdam’s ombudsman Arre Zurmond is all but saying it. It’s a “lawless jungle” after dark and police can contain it, he told Dutch daily Trouw. There are “illegal car and bike races throughout the street”s, “open drug sales”, and “criminal money flourishes”.

Mr. Zurmond says there can be “900 offenses in a night”, within a couple hours actually, and “there is an air of lawlessness.”

There is “even poop on the streets,” he said. They pee on the “van of a mobile (police) unit” and the driver will say nothing.

Frontpage Magazine reports that Mr. Zurmond isn’t directly addressing Islam, instead it’s about the lack of police control. But much of Amsterdam’s crime comes from its Muslim settler population.


In Paris, there are 300,000 Islamist illegal immigrants crammed into a tiny suburb. The numbers are soaring.

The numbers continue to rise, as an estimated 80 migrants arrive in Paris every 24 hours — 550 a week.

There are an estimated 135 different nationalities in Saint-Denis, most extremely poor, including an estimated 600,000 Muslims from North African or sub-Saharan African backgrounds, the Daily Mail reported.

It’s already an ethnic ghetto within six miles of the Eiffel Tower.


Salafists, the most rigid of the Islamists, are on the rise in Germany. Their goal is to establish a theocracy (an Islamofascist state).

The number of Salafists in Germany has doubled over the last five years and now exceeds 10,000 for the first time, according to Germany’s BfV domestic intelligence agency. BfV estimates that Germany is home to more than 25,000 Islamists, nearly 2,000 of whom pose an immediate threat of attack, , Gatestone reports.

The new figures are included the latest annual report of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz, BfV), and presented by Interior Minister Horst Seehofer and BfV President Hans-Georg Maaßen in Berlin on July 24.


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