Hero! Former UN Ambassador Bolton Guts “Unprofessional” “Munchkin” Airhead Trying to Trash Trump


Former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton hit back at a U.K. airhead, loosely called a journalist. During an interview with Sky News host Kay Burley, she tried to belittle President Trump with dishonest propaganda and he stood for none of it.

In the tense exchange Burley asked Ambassador Bolton what it is that has him “cross.” He replied, “Well, I’m going to come back to your comments, I’m going to be a little bit more direct here. I think what you said is offensive and inappropriate. You are a munchkin in the media and you may have your opinions but I think your job is to try and present the news accurately and not editorialize.”

She was condescending during this entire interview.

“You said the President slips in and out of deals, what’s your problem specifically?” she asked, referring to the incredibly awful Iran deal.

Bolton hit back hard. It was great! “There’s nothing slippery about that. It’s entirely appropriate when a country realizes it’s made a strategic mistake or circumstances have changed to get out of an international agreement. He cites a decision by George W. Bush and her own Britain’s decision to leave the EU, telling her, “maybe you should call your whole country slippery.”

He added, “It’s just uncalled for you to behave that way.”

She told him to calm down and he gave it right back, “I’m perfectly calm. You’re the one who’s insulting my President,” he said.

Bolton finished her off.

“My point with you is, to make it clear, I think you’re unprofessional. I think your comments were uncalled for, maybe you think that’s your business, perhaps you’ll let me finish this time. I don’t think it advances the cause of informing your listeners.”

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